Nesbitt 1838 Type Specimens
One of the fun things about cutting wood type is doing research. I love old type specimen books and my collection, both on the shelf in the type shop and on my laptop, is growing. I was given these digital files from a friend at a conference in Chicago. It is not a complete set, I have plans to make a trip sometime to photograph it all.
They are pages from the George F. Nesbitt Wood Type Company in New York City. The type specimen book is pretty rare, dating from 1838. They are digital photos, not
scans, so they are slightly distorted, but were originally printed with the actual type that they were selling. I was told the company featured the unusual wood type but not many people wanted to purchase it.
Happy New Year! I will be starting a new tradition at MWT of burning all the scrap maple cuts and unsellable wood in the 5 gallon bucket by the trim saw. Nice to start the year off with an empty bucket and lots of new maple and patterns.
Thanks to everyone who have helped me this past year with type making equipment, advise, and orders.